Custom Search

February 6, 2009

Simple c# Linq query

//This is the extension used to call list functions.
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Person
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string Lastname { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }

public class LinqImplementation
List Persons = new List();
public LinqImplementation()
//This is the old .Net 2005 Implementation of Person class
Person eve = new Person();
eve.FirstName = "Eve";
eve.Lastname = "Davis";
eve.Age = 39;

//This is .Net 2008 Implementation of Person class
Person adam = new Person(){
FirstName = "Adam",
Age = 42

//To Simplify things up, I created method to generate list of person
CreatePerson(Persons, "Bill", "Gates", 58);
CreatePerson(Persons, "Rob", "Thomas", 44);
CreatePerson(Persons, "Kobe", "Bryant", 29);
CreatePerson(Persons, "George", "Bush", 65);
CreatePerson(Persons, "Barak", "Obama", 59);
CreatePerson(Persons, "George", "Washington", 59);

private void CreatePerson(List Persons, string firstname, string lastname, int age)
Person person = new Person() { FirstName = firstname, Lastname = lastname, Age = age };
//This is the query to get the list of person with firstname equal to George
public List GetPersonFirstName()
return (from person in Persons
where person.FirstName == "George"
select person).ToList();
//This is the query to get the list of person with the age of 40 up to 60
public List GetPersonAge()
return (from person in Persons
where person.Age >= 40 && person.Age <= 60
select person).ToList();
//This is the query to get the list of person with the age of 40 up to 60
//And adding order as descending.
public List GetPersonAgeDescending()
return (from person in Persons orderby person.Age descending
where person.Age >= 40 && person.Age <= 60
select person).ToList();
//This is the query to get the list of person with the age of 40 up to 60
//And adding order as ascending.
public List GetPersonAgeAscending()
return (from person in Persons
orderby person.Age ascending
where person.Age >= 40 && person.Age <= 60
select person).ToList();
//Test this in your console application.
//Hoping that this helps a lot