Custom Search

December 29, 2008

Div Panels

Hello folks. If you're searching for the div panel source codes, you won't be disappointed in this page.

Here are some samples of div panels:

Standard Div Panel

Source code:
<div style="border: 1px solid blue; height: 100px;">
Put your content here...
Sample Result:

Put your content here...


Scrollable Div Panel (Vertical)

Source code:
<div style="border: 1px solid blue; height: 100px; overflow-y: scroll;">
Put your content here...
Sample Result:

Put your content here...
Put your content here...
Put your content here...
Put your content here...


Scrollable Div Panel (Horizontal)

Source code:
<div style="border: 1px solid blue; overflow-x: scroll; background-color: rgb(238, 238, 238); width: 400px; white-space: nowrap;">
Put your content here....
Sample Result:

Put your content here....
Put your content here....
Put your content here....


December 27, 2008

C# Interface usage

This is how to create an interface.

public interface IPerson {
string Firstname {get;set;}
string Lastname {get;set;}
DateTime BirthDate {get;set;}
DateTime GetCurrentAge();

There are two ways to implement the interface you've created. It is either you implement it implicitly and or you implement it explicitly.

This is how to implement it Implicitly.

public class Engineer : IPerson {
public string firsname;
public string lastname;
public DateTime birthDate;

public Engineer(string _firstname, string _lastname, DateTime _birthdate){
Firstname = _firsname;
Lastname = _lastname;
BirthDate = _birthdate;

public string Firstname {
get { return firstname; }
set { firsname = value; }

public string Lastname {
get { return lastname; }
set { lastname = value; }

public DateTime BirthDate {
get { return birthDate; }
set { birthDate = value; }

public DateTime GetCurrentAge () {
return DateTime.Now.Subtract(BirthDate);


This is how to implement it Explicitly.

public class Engineer : IPerson {
public string firsname;
public string lastname;
public DateTime birthDate;

public Engineer(string _firstname, string _lastname, DateTime _birthdate){
Firstname = _firsname;
Lastname = _lastname;
BirthDate = _birthdate;

IPerson.string Firstname {
get { return firstname; }
set { firsname = value; }

IPerson.string Lastname {
get { return lastname; }
set { lastname = value; }

IPerson.DateTime BirthDate {
get { return birthDate; }
set { birthDate = value; }

IPerson.DateTime GetCurrentAge () {
return DateTime.Now.Subtract(BirthDate);


August 27, 2008

Creating Controller ASP.Net MVC Framework

If you have installed the ASP.NET MVC Framework correctly, you would probably have an easy time on creating a new MVC Controller. (Quick Link) However, there are times that you need to create new controllers without using the wizard. One of the most particular reason is... you just want to create it your self. So, if you are one of those guys that are not lazy or just curious, then you are in the right site.

Creating Controller

First of all, you need to add a code file in your project.

In the file you just created add this code:

public class ProductController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
//Add action logic here
return View();

For those who have very little knowledge on creating MVC Controller, don't worry. I'll explain it to you.

public class ProductController : Controller
public ActionResult Index(int parameter1, string parameter2)
//Add action logic here
return View();

Color Coded (above) Explanation:

  • RED: The Controller Name. In making a controller you must keep this format, ControllerName + Controller.
    Controller NameController Class Name

    You should also remember that if you create a view on this controller you must create a new folder under the views with the same name of your Controller Name.

  • Green: The Action Method. This is the method in which your logic will be implemented. As default, Action Method Name (with return value of ActionResult) should be always the same as the ViewPage Name you want to render. If you want to render a ViewPage that is not the same as Action Method's Name, then you should specify it in the View() Method.

    return View("AnotherViewPage");

    (Click this for the Reference)
  • BLUE: Action Method return value.

ActionResult Return Type

All action methods must return an instance a class that is derived from ActionResult. The ActionResult class is the base for all action results. However, there are different action result types, depending on the action that the action method is taking. For example, the most common action is to call the View method. The View method returns an instance of the ViewResult class, which is derived from ActionResult.

The following list shows the built-in action result types.

  • ViewResult. Returned by the View method.

  • RedirectToRouteResult. Returned by the RedirectToAction and RedirectToRoute methods.

  • RedirectResult. Returned by the Redirect method.

  • ContentResult. Returned by the Content method.

  • JsonResult. Return by the Json method.

  • EmptyResult. Returned if the action method must return a null result.

ASP.Net MVC Framework Introduction

MVC stands for Model - View - Controller and is an architectural pattern used in software engineering. Successful use of the pattern isolates business logic from user interface considerations, resulting in an application where it is easier to modify either the visual appearance of the application or the underlying business rules without affecting the other.


Used to accessing, retrieving, using, and maintaining data.


Used for displaying all the data.


Used to handle things from View to Model and From Model to View. The interaction between View and Model happens in the Controller.

Release History:

  • ASP.NET MVC Framework ( December 10, 2007)
  • ASP.NET MVC Preview 2 ( March 5, 2008 )
  • ASP.NET MVC Preview 3 ( May 1, 2008 )
  • ASP.NET MVC Preview 4 ( July 16, 2008 )
  • ASP.NET MVC Preview 5 ( August 28, 2008 )
  • ASP.NET MVC Beta ( October 16, 2008 )
  • ASP.NET MVC Release (expected to be released on, January, 2009)

ASP.NET MVC Official Website

March 3, 2008

User Controls for Reusable Forms

ASP.NET Web User Controls are very useful to minimize the development time of a project. It helps to reuse the codes all over again without recoding it. Image if you created a code that has 1000 lines and used in two tables. This would take you to change about 50%-80% of your codes in the second table. However, if you used Web User Controls, you will only need to change/set the property you want and takes you more or less 10% total time to put it in the second table. Another advantage of User Controls is that if you change anything in the code, you don't need to change all the other similar codes, all the others will automatically changed.

  • You must use User Controls if that code can still be used in other forms.
  • If the query varies but the results are still the same usage of User Control is Recommended.
Create a blogging table. Blogs will be differentiated as Draft and Published. All Unregistered Users can only view all the blogs published by all Registered Users. Registered user can still view all published blogs by all users but has a management page where he/she can view all his blog work may it published or still a draft. Draft Blogs are in one table and Published Blogs are on the other table.

In this example there are three queries, the All Published (AP), Published by User (PU), and Drafted by User (DU). There is also one table, the blogging table (BT) but will be use for three times, in the Blog page, Management Page Draft area, and Management Page Published area. To save development time it is obvious to use the ASP.NET Web User Control. However there three different queries that we must follow. To solve this we must have a User Control Property that determines what query to be used. You can create an Enumeration to be represent those queries.

public enum QueryType{ AllPublished, Drafted, Published, None } //None Represents nothing was selected and returns nothing.

To set the Property:

public QueryType ViewBlog{

if (value == QueryType.AllPublished){
//Do the query here

else if (value == QueryType.Published){
//Do the query here

else if (value == QueryType.Drafted){
//Do the query here


If you add this User Control in the web page and look at its property, you will see another property (ViewBlog) in the MISC property. Use this property to set the values of the User Control.

February 27, 2008

ASP .Net Database Access Layer Standards

In a professional ASP.Net programming world, an IT company should have standards on how to access the database on every programming tasks they have. We have already determined the SQL Database Standards. Now we need to determine how to access and use it in our ASP.Net Projects. But first we need to point out the following words:

  • Datasets - a collection of DataTable objects that you can relate to each other with DataRelation objects. (MSDN)
  • Database Factory - it is a compilation of codes which is used to access the database. Those functions/methods involved in the codes can be used all over again, thus, boosting the productivity of a programmer.
  • Data Sources - is a representation of data.

February 26, 2008

SQL Database Standards

Table Basics
  • Table Names - Should alway be in the same meaning with the referred object/item.
Example: Create a table that stores the basic information of a person.
So, the table name should be named as Persons.
  • Field Names - Should always be in the same meaning with the referred object/item.
Example: Create a table that stores the basic information of a person.
Informations: Given Name, Family Name, Birth Date, Home Address
So, the table fields must be like this:
  1. personID (Primary Key)
  2. firstname (Given Name)
  3. lastname (Family Name)
  4. birthDate (Birth Date)
  5. homeAddress (Home Address)
  • CRUD Methods (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) - All SQL queries should be in the Stored Procedures. However, if the query involves two or more tables and is used not only for Reading, you can create another Stored Procedure provided it has proper naming conventions (See: Stored Procedures Section). If the query involves two or more tables and is only used for Reading (SELECT Command) it should be created as Views and should by named as format Vw_[database name or initials]_[table name].
Example: Create a Views for Persons Table in SocietyInformation database. So, the Views name would be: Vw_SocietyInformation_Persons

Stored Procedures
  • Creation - there should only be one stored procedure for each table.
  • Naming - Should always be in the same name as the table referred plus "Sp_" (Stands for Stored Procedure) and the database name or initials , as the first letters, followed by the underscore symbol. The format should be like this: Sp_[database name or initials]_[table name]
Example: Create a stored procedure for Persons Table in SocietyInformation database.
So, the Store Procedure name would be: Sp_SocietyInformation_Persons

However, if the Store Procedure involves two or more tables and is used not only for Reading, the Stored Procedure's last section name should be the name of the process made. The format should be like this: SP_[database name or initials]_[process name]

Example: Create a stored procedure for Adding, Viewing, Editing, and Deleting a Family Tree.
So, the Store Procedure name would be: Sp_SocietyInformation_FamilyTree
  • Variable Names - Stored Procedure must always have @option variable, for selecting the section, and @ReturnValue, as the result return value (commonly used to get SCOPE_IDENTITY()) and will be the Reserved VariableNames. Other variables must be in the same meaning of its field name. Use synonyms for the variable whose field name is the same as the two Reserved Variable Names.
  • Sections - Stored Procedures must be divided into sections for every CRUD method involved. Sections are selected by @option variable. These sections are as follows:
    • Creating (INSERT Command) - @option = 1 to 200
    • Reading (SELECT Command) - @option = 601 up
    • Updating (UPDATE Command) - @option = 201 to 400
    • Deleting (DELETE Command) - @option = 401 to 600
Note: Reading Section has 601 up sections because SELECT Command is the most used Command in SQL.



Create a database so that a company can see its old and new employees. The database name is CompanyInformation.

  • Persons
    • personID (PK)
    • firstname
    • lastname
    • homeAddress
  • Company
    • companyID (PK)
    • companyName
    • address
    • businessType
  • Employments
    • employmentID (PK)
    • employmentDate
    • position
    • companyID (FK)
    • personID (FK)
Stored Procedures:
  • Sp_CompanyInformation_Persons
    • Variables
      • @option
      • @ReturnValue
      • @personID
      • @firstname
      • @lastname
      • @homeAddress
    • Query
IF @option = 1
INSERT INTO Persons(firstname, lastname, homeAddress)
VALUES(@firstname, @lastname, homeAddress)

Return @ReturnValue

ELSE IF@option = 201
Persons SET
firstname = @firstname,
lastname = @lastname,
homeAddress = @homeAddress
WHERE personID = @personID

SET @ReturnValue = @personID
Return @ReturnValue

ELSE IF @option = 401
Persons WHERE personID = @personID

SET @ReturnValue = @personID
Return @ReturnValue

ELSE IF @option = 601
  • Sp_CompanyInformation_Company
    • Variables
      • @option
      • @ReturnValue
      • @companyID
      • @companyName
      • @address
      • @businessType
    • Query
IF @option = 1
INSERT INTO Company(companyName, address, businessType)
VALUES(@companyName, @address, @busineessType)

Return @ReturnValue

ELSE IF@option = 201
Company SET
companyName = @companyName,
address = @address,
businessType = @businessType
WHERE companyID = @companyID

SET @ReturnValue = @companyID
Return @ReturnValue

ELSE IF @option = 401
companyID = @companyID

SET @ReturnValue = @companyID
Return @ReturnValue

ELSE IF @option = 601
  • Sp_CompanyInformation_Employment
    • Variables
      • @option
      • @ReturnValue
      • @employmentID
      • @employmentDate
      • @position
      • @companyID
      • @personID
    • Query
IF @option = 1
INSERT INTO Employments(employmentDate, position, companyID, personID)
VALUES(@employmentDate, @position, @companyID, @personID)

Return @ReturnValue

ELSE IF@option = 201
UPDATE Employments SET
employmentDate = @employmentDate,
position = @position,
companyID = @companyID,
personID = @personID
WHERE employmentID = @employmentID

SET @ReturnValue = @employmentID
Return @ReturnValue

ELSE IF @option = 401
DELETE Employment WHERE employmentID = @employmentID

SET @ReturnValue = @employmentID
Return @ReturnValue

ELSE IF @option = 601
SELECT * FROM Employment

January 25, 2008

My Very First Produced Game

At last I have finished my very own game. Its called the "Super Sweeper". It is a minesweeper, winmine as windows called it, like games that you need to defuse mines that are created randomly. Colorful numbered clues are also provided so that you can pin-point the location of a mine. In addition to the minesweeper game, there are new features that the gamer would really loved. These are the Following:
  • Point System - points are based by the clues opened, mines defused, mistakes committed, time elapsed, round bonus, and the remaining life in a round.
  • High Scores - high score will be based in points, not in time.
  • Level-based mine count - number of mines increase as level increases.
  • Life Points - has 10 Max. life in the game.
  • Bonus Life Rewards - a bonus life will be rewarded if there will be no mistake in a round.
  • Round Bonus - round bonus is a point reward that will be given if you will have 3, at the most, mistakes.
To those who love to play windows minesweeper, you can try this at home. I hope you'll loved it. I'll post soon the address where you can download it.